outside my comfort zone

I know, I know. I keep telling you that I’m not a great shopper, that I don’t like crowds, that style eludes me.

So how do I explain it when this happens?

I only went to Oxford Street to buy one little thing- and that was a gift.

(Somebody, somewhere, must have done research on the boost one gets from successful shopping early in the day: if you (I) get what you’re looking for early, there’s a real adrenaline rush encouraging you (me) through the remaining time and shops.)

So this time I got brave. I tried on things I would never normally consider. Colours and shapes far beyond baggy black, blue and purple.

People, I even tried these garments on. Yes, that’s a puce and orange dress. My familiar was a speck in the far distance.

It will be no surprise to discover that I kept to colours I’m comfortable with, but I took a risk on shape.

Dress from Mary at House of Fraser 

It’s not totally figure hugging, but it’s closer than anything I’ve ever had. It’s actually called a ‘siren’ dress. I bought a siren dress. Mind boggling.

I got measured for undergarments (I’ll need to be really brave to write that post) and got a charm for my bracelet. When we met up later, Spurs Fan was delighted at the bags he got to carry.

On the way back to the tube I was raving about the boots I’d spotted…

Liberty print Dr Marten’s boots- what’s not to like?

Then we passed another shoe shop. “Oh, someday I’ll be brave enough to actually wear those shoes. Some are ridiculous, but some are wonderful. Someday my courage will come…”

Spurs Fan looked at the bags bravery had already bought, and reckoned that there’d be no better day.

All of these items have yet to be worn.

Another brave day will come.

25 thoughts on “outside my comfort zone

    1. Not only is it a good shape and a familiar colour, but it was massively reduced in price. I was having one of those lucky days…

  1. The Blood, the gore, braveheart’s charge forward -the horror, the horror at ‘Everything from 25 to 50% Off Sales’.

  2. Looks like you are a great shopper after all! Excellent purchases. And you can wear the new dress & shoes next Friday at bookclub so we can all admire them

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